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- Ammonia
- Aspirin
- Bleach
- Boric Acid
- Bug Sprays and powders
- Chocolate
- Cleaning Fluids
- Cigarettes
- Decretive Plants
- Deodorants
- Deodorizers
- Detergents
- Disinfectants
- Drain Cleaners
- Dye
- Fruit
- Dried and Fresh
- Furniture Polish
- Garlic
- Glass Cleaners
- Hair Coloring
- Kerosene
- Laxatives
- Lead
- Matches
- Medications
- Metal Polish
- Moth Balls
- Mushrooms
- Nail Polish/Remover
- Nicotine Patches/Nicotine Chewing Gum
- Paint/Remover/Cleaners
- Perming Solution
- Phenol
- Rat Poison
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Shoe Polish
- Sleeping Pills
- Soap
- Suntan Lotions
- Tinsel
- Turpentine
- Wood-stains