
Arthritis In Dogs


As your dog gets older, one of the health conditions you should start watching out for is arthritis. Arthritis affects dogs in very much the same way it does humans. And this disease can have a profound effect on your dog’s lifestyle. Read on to learn more.


Arthritis in dogs, just like in humans, is a condition that affects the joints. You can call it the gradual breakdown of the joints leading to a point where movements become painful, joints become inflamed, and swelling also sets in. The joints affected include the shoulders, the knees, the elbows, and especially the hips.

In affected animals, the ligaments that line the joints experience wear due to periodical friction caused by all the movement and play that the animal has experienced over time. Fluids within these joints also deteriorate and stop offering the level of lubrication needed to keep these joints moving against each other with ease.


In some cases the arthritis is caused by the immune system attacking the tissues and membranes in the joints (rheumatoid arthritis) but in most cases it’s due to age and wear of the dog (osteoarthritis).

Apart from age, another contributing case can be lifestyle. If the dog has overly exerted pressure and strain on its joints, that could contribute to arthritis in old age to some degree. Genetics too play a role, and in line with that, some breeds and species are more prone than others.


Signs that your dog may be suffering from arthritis include:

  • Licking joints to soothe the pain
  • Yelping when touched around the joints
  • Reluctance to play
  • Reluctance to climb stairs, walk, or jump
  • Lagging behind when walking
  • Becoming very sluggish and stiff when getting up or sitting down
  • Becoming very dormant whilst before they were playful

Treatments and care

  • Your dog can be given medication to help repair the joint tissues and ligaments although this only works to a degree.
  • Medication to help with pain and inflammation. Supplements such as fish oil and CBD oil are also offered too. Fish oil helps with bone development and coordination. CBD oil is used to treat pain and inflammation. It is actually highly recommended for arthritis in pets and humans. CBD oil can also help your pet with appetite and anxiety at this time.
  • Surgery and installation of hip and joint replacements is also an option.
  • Physical therapy to help keep the muscles strong and the joints healthy.
  • Keeping your dog as comfortable as possible. This includes carrying them in and out of the house or car, providing them with a fluffy bed, and having them sleep on the main floor so that they don’t have to climb any stairs.