black labrador

Signs Of Cancer In Dogs  


Unfortunately, cancer is becoming a real scourge in dogs, just as it is in humans. And a good number of symptoms of cancer in dogs are similar to those seen in humans. They include:

Lumps & bumps

Tumors are a probable indication of cancerous growth in your dog. Bumps around the breasts, for example, could be indicative of breast cancer. However, half of all tumors or growths will most likely turn out to be non-cancerous. Nevertheless, have them checked out by a vet just to be sure. A biopsy and x-rays may be required.

Swollen lymph nodes

If your dog has swollen lymph nodes around areas such as the neck and joints, that could be a sign of lymphoma. Lymphoma is a very serious type of cancer because it has the ability to spread very first. Be sure to have this checked as soon as possible.

Swelling in the bone

There have been cases of bone cancer in dogs. If you see any swellings around your dogs bone structure, e.g. the legs, back, tail, or skull, let your vet know about it.

Skin abnormality

Dogs can get skin cancer too. This is often characterized by swelling under the skin tissue or any other abnormalities with the skin.

Persistent wounds

Another sign of cancer in dogs is that of wounds that will not heal even with normal first-aid or treatment. This could be a sign of a cancerous infection.

Abnormal bleeding

If your dog is bleeding without a good cause, such as a visible injury, it could be due to malignant growths around internal organs or tissue.

Continuous restlessness

A dog that is suffering from cancer, especially in advanced stages, is bound to be uncomfortable. The cancerous growths forming around internal organs will hinder proper function of some tissues and this will cause pain and discomfort.

Digestive problems

In a lot of cases where a dog has been diagnosed with cancer, digestive problems do occur. Your dog will have a poor appetite, they may experience discomfort after feeding, etc.

Does my dog have cancer?

Most dogs are at a high risk of cancer in their old age, at about 10 years. And a good number of the cancer cases can be treated successfully, if caught early, just like in humans. So have any suspicious growths or changes in health checked out immediately.


Common forms of treatment include surgeries to remove malignant tumors, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. CBD oil is also emerging as a healthy and natural way to help treat symptoms of most dog cancers, as well as to help with pain, inflammation, pain, anxiety, appetite, and mood. It is also important to note that CBD oil is also applied in humans for these same treatments, cancer included.