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How To Deal With Separation Anxiety In Dogs


Separation anxiety in dogs refers to a condition where your dog becomes abnormally distressed after being separated from you. This mostly happens when they are left in the house alone. Symptoms include howling, scratching, panting and drooling excessively, soiling the house, biting and ripping furniture, chewing, and causing other forms of damage. The good news is that separation anxiety in dogs can be contained. And here are some of the things you can do to achieve that.

Training and conditioning

This is the most effective step you can take. Through training and behavior conditioning you can change the way your dog reacts or interprets to you leaving them alone. The goal is to make your dog less troubled by the idea of being left alone. Some of the training and conditioning steps you can take include:

  1. Give your dog less excited “byes” and “hellos” when leaving or when coming back home. Doing so teaches your dog that you being away is not a bad thing.
  2. Give your dog treats such as stuffed kongs just before leaving. That will keep them busy and prevent them from obsessing on the fact that you are leaving them alone.
  3. Give your dog good exercise for about 45 minutes before leaving. This will lower their energy levels and help them stay calm when you’re gone. However, complete the exercise at least 20 minutes before leaving to give your dog time to calm down.
  4. You can also condition your dog to being left alone by starting out with short durations alone (about 5 mins) before gradually lengthening these durations.

Get your dog a partner

Dogs are social creatures. So in the same way they enjoy your company, they would also get a similar kick (if not more) if they had a partner. So think about getting a second dog (or some other pet even if it’s a cat) to keep your dog company. This will help lessen the anxiety whenever you leave.

Dog daycare

If you cannot get your dog a play partner, think about getting them into a daycare facility, especially on days when you will be gone for long. You could also leave them with a neighbor to dog-sit them. Or maybe you could hire a dog walker.

Music therapy

There is such a thing as music for dogs. Carefully selected and developed music for dogs can help to soothe and calm them. Play them some of this music when you leave and that will help with their anxiety and maybe even lull them to sleep.

CBD oil

CBD oil is big on pets such as dogs these days. Apart from helping with pain and inflammation, CBD oil is also great for anxiety, mood, appetite, and sleep (even with humans). Try giving them some and see if it helps.